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Best horror podcast ever!!!!
Long time listener. I’ve been listening to you for many years now, started in 2015 and I love you. I don’t listen to podcast, this is the only one I listen to because I feel so at home here. Patrick you have become a household name for me. I just finished the episode of Grim Love and I just wanted to say…..STEAMHEAT!!! I love you and the show and can’t wait to hear more from you ❤️

What a blast!!!
Omg this podcast is an absolute blast!!! I love horror and this hysterical show brings it all together for me. I can't wait for more!!! A++++
This is a fantastic horror podcast. He recommends great movies both new and rare gems. He is witty, and insightful and was the gateway to my podcast addiction. Download all of it and binge it you won't be disappointed.
How have only two people rated this amazing delve into the fabulous world of horror. Paaaatrick is a wonderful host with years of experience at both horror and being gay under his rainbow belt. We love you daaarling!
Insightful, hilarious, and fabulous! This podcast has all the thrills and chills horror fans live for. Patrick is the host with the most. His humor and openness make Scream Queenz a horror fans dream! ???

I’m a scream queen and so are you!
Scream Queenz is such a fanatic podcast. Patrick’s horror movie reviews are just so freakin funny, and he’s never shamed to open his heart to his listeners. While hilarious this podcast is often touching and poignant, which is rare in most things horror related. You truly are a Queen, Patrick!

Patrick never steers me wrong
He has great taste, even though it breaks my heart when he doesn’t love something I love.

Best horror podcast ever!!!!
I’ve been listening for 3 months now and I love it! I’ve been listening to them backwards and I’m already on episode 150 and I can’t stop listening to you Patrick you keep me laughing and crying and I just love you.

The other
I remember this as a child and I had so forgotten it. It had Patricia Oneal and uta Hagen. Thank you for bring me the finger in the box. Bwaaaaahaaaaaa

A Blast of a Show
I went straight for the Chopping Mall episode, because...well, it's about Chopping Mall and all it's hokey brilliance. It's the kinf of show that could easily become mired in nostalgia, but Patrick walks that line between looking at the times these movies were made, and how we look at horror today. Sure, it skews toward humor, but it's clear these are horror fans who are not afraid to talk about why even humorous horror movies can carry something more. While I'm not the horror fan I once was, Patrick makes me want to fall back into a calvalcade of schlocky gore.

Insightful and fun!
A truly great podcast for people interested in the intersection of LGBT audiences and horror. Lively talk, good guests, fun movies!

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY - "9 LGBT Podcasts You Can Listen To Right Now"
Host Patrick K. Walsh likes to say this is the podcast "where horror gets gay." But all genre fans should get a kick out of his frighteningly funny ruminations on cult classic terror tales like Return of the Living Dead and The Sentinel.

There's almost literally no better Patrick Walshian podcast than this one now that The Walshington Post has been cancelled.

The best!
Can't believe I've been listening for years and never rated and reviewed! This show is fantastisc. Funny as hell and a great time all around.

Not Just the Queerest but the Best
I spent a lot of time looking for good horror podcasts before I stumbled upon Screamqueenz. The fact that Patrick is queerer than a three dollar bill is only icing on the delicious cake that is this podcast. From the title and iTunes description I assumed the campy humor, the fabulous tone, but what really turned me into a true believer is that Patrick did an episode on Friday the 13th part V and, though he was given more than enough material to mock and lampoon there, instead he actually dove into why it didn't work as a slasher. Sure, joking about outhouse sing-a-longs (really!) is one thing, but to dive into the actual guts of what makes these movies work takes real thought and consideration, and he went there. That's when I knew Patrick Walsh was the real goddamned deal. Also, this is a gay gay gay gay podcast, and that's pretty great too.

Nothing like it
My husband and I adore this man and his fantastic podcast. Either this is immediately your cup of tea or not...and if not, we don't need that kind of negativity in our lives. His personal stories are just as much of a priority as his reviews are. And if you're a theatre nerd, you'll probably enjoy this on a whole other level. He's our future best friend from NYC, and he should be yours too. - love, Alexis

Extremely Entertaining
Though the focus is Horror, this is an awesome show all around! The host is fun & energetic and keeps you listening the whole show!

My Favorite Podcast.
ScreamQueenz is my favorite podcast. Patrick is a great host and he is so funny and his personality is what really keeps me coming back, even though I love horror movies. Patrick's hilarious takes on some of the best and worst horror is always great. I always look forward to new episodes. this show is great for any horror fan out there!

Love Shirley and his sidekick Georgia!

So good!
Patrick is a one man show of awesome! You don't have to love horror to love this show, you just need a sense of humour. He does have guests as well, but for the most part, it's all Patrick and Patrick is more than enough. One of my faveorite podcasts!

Great fun….
Hilarious and compelling.

For the Love of Horror
If you love horror, you will love this podcast, and if you love humor you will be crazy about this podcast. Amazing way to combine humor and horror together!

A Horror Niche Podcast Awesome!
Very entertaining! What a unique podcast show in the horror entertainment industry. Really cool stuff. I like the production value and the creative flow.

The best horror podcast
This is the most entertaining horror podcast on iTunes!! Such a great show

You have to hear this!
This is a wonderful podcast! It has a horror vibe, but is super funny. There are film reviews, stories, personal antidotes. The host is wonderful! You have to listen.

Great Show!!
I've been listening to this podcast for a couple years now.. I remember when Patrick would call in to the cadaver lab podcast and have me laughing out loud with his stories of going to see horror movies in New York City as he was growing up.. Then years later, I heard a promo for the screamqueenz podcast come up on another show and I instantly recognized his voice and downloaded an episode.. I've been hooked ever since!! Keep them coming Patrick! You rule!! -Zach

Show a day
I love trying to keep up with your movies and hearing you all through October! You make my day!

I'm in LOVE❤️
I laughed til I almost peed my pants. I learned tons. I am in LOVE with this podcast. I totally wish I could marry it because I SOO would! Please never stop this podcast!!

Patrick is Fan-tastic!!!
His Podcast is also Fan-tastic! I don't miss an episode. Hunter

Great podcast
This podcast is excellent. Patrick is really funny and expressive. He will he knows what he's talking about
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